The Blends and Code Mixing

Blend is combination of two separate forms to produce a single new terms is also present in the process called blending. So Blend it used when we want to combine two different kinds of words in order to make a new term of words. example : Motel (Motor + Hotel) , Heliport (Helicopter + airport) , Oxbridge (Oxford +Cambridge) , Condotel (Condominium + hotel).

  1. Infotainment ( Information + Entertainment)
  2. Informercials ( Information + Commercials)
  3. Advertorial (Advertisement + Editorial)
  4. Netizen (Internet + Citizen)
  5. Postel (Pos + Telekomunikasi)

Code Mixing is term in english that used for combining the contex of the meaning with the mother tongue/local language to make it practical in use. example : semua lebih happening di Margo City, Hanya di Matahari Sale sampai 80%, film "Amazing Spiderman 2" sedang in di bioskop tanah air.
  1. Ini adalah Surprise yang tak terlupakan.
  2. Hari minggu ini saya akan nge-Date sama dia.
  3. Have fun bersama teman-teman di Puncak.
  4. Paling susah adalah Move On karena di selingkuhin.
  5. Dia itu terlalu Perfect buat kamu khianatin.

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